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WeSalute+ Members can book here 24/7 and our site will display the latest military discount rates offered by popular comparison sites like, and WeSalute+ members can easily combine their discounts with the discounted pricing available by searching with the WeSalute+ Travel booking engine, and receive 40% off the already-low prices listed.
Discounts & Benefits
Scott’s View: Celebrating Our New Partnership with Carnival Cruise Line: A True Tribute to Military & Veteran Families
At WeSalute, we are deeply honored to announce our exciting new partnership with Carnival Cruise Line. As shared by Christine Duffy, President of Carnival Cruise Line, in an exclusive interview today, Carnival's commitment to honoring military families is ingrained in the company's DNA. This dedication starts at the very top—with Carnival itself being led by an executive who represents a proud military family.WeSalute Awards
VetFamily: Christine Duffy
It is impressive to find a President of a major travel company who is not only personally passionate about supporting the military and their families, but also embeds that value into the heart of their global brand. Christine Duffy does just that at Carnival Cruise Line. The leader of the world's largest cruise company comes from a strong military family and her son served in the Army.WeSalute Awards
CelebVet: James Earl Jones, in Memoriam
James Earl Jones, a pioneer for Black actors, and a friend of WeSalute, passed away on September 9th 2024. James’ hard work and determination to prove his worth as an actor, earned him coveted awards reflecting the passion he had for his career. In 2011, he achieved “EGOT” status for winning an Emmy, Golden Globe, Oscar, and Tony award. Amongst many of his peers, Jones served in the military following the Korean War.Military & Veterans Life
Scott’s View: Recognizing National POW/MIA Recognition Day: Leave No One Behind
Today, September 20, is National POW/MIA Recognition Day. This day honors those who were prisoners of war and those who are still missing in action.Get More with WeSalute+
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