Military & Veterans News

Introducing WeSalute

WeSalute (Veterans Advantage) rebranding to WeSalute

All the great things about Veterans Advantage are packed into WeSalute, plus a whole lot more. When we got together to plan how honoring our military should look in the future we chose a new name that says it all.


WeSalute everyday heroism.

WeSalute date night.

WeSalute that do-over honeymoon.

WeSalute more years of being in-service than not.

WeSalute care packages. 

WeSalute reunions.

WeSalute next chapters. 

WeSalute staying one more night. 

WeSalute renting that convertible. 

WeSalute going back to school.

WeSalute gym goals.

WeSalute budget-balancers. 

WeSalute the dreams deferred. The ones realized. The plans for tomorrow and the ones for today. 

WeSalute is more than a name or a promise or a position. It’s an action. 

Ours is the place where thanks is a verb, where service is recognized in a meaningful way. Ours is the place where the thanks is lived. 

WeSalute means you have our full attention. It means we’ve united an entire partner coalition in giving you theirs. It's the movement we make together to genuinely recognize military service, in all its variety. Inclusive of all who’ve served. Informed by those who continue to. Inspired by those who will.

From Our Member Community

Scott Higgins

Military & Veterans News

Scott’s View: Hire a Veteran - Always!

July 25th was National Hire a Veteran Day, but with our WeSalute Jobs & Career Network, you can do that every day! Whether you’re a vet-friendly employer or a veteran looking for a career shift, we provide the employment tools you need to take the next step. This service is underwritten by WeSalute, and is free to veterans and employers. Over 1,000 employers have posted jobs in our network, and veterans have provided tens of thousands of resumes.

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Do you and your family vacation without travel insurance?

Sign up for WeSalute+ today and you’ll be eligible for TravelProtection™.

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Did you know that your immediate family members are eligible for WeSalute+ savings?

With WeSalute+, you can add family members to your primary plan at 50% OFF every year.

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