Medical Assistance

travel medical assistance

WeSalute+ Members with Travel Protection get 24-hour access to medical benefits like emergency doctor referrals, medical equipment rentals, payment arrangements and billing audits, and emergency prescription, eyeglass, and contact replacement.

We will help you find appropriate medical care anywhere in the world, including the following medical services:

  • Emergency medical evacuation transportation assistance
  • Physician/hospital/dental/vision referrals
  • Repatriation of mortal remains
  • Return travel arrangements
  • Emergency prescription replacement
  • Dispatch of doctor or specialist
  • In-patient and out-patient medical case management
  • Qualified liaison for relaying medical information to family members
  • Arrangements of visitor to bedside of hospitalized insured
  • Eyeglasses and corrective lens replacement assistance
  • Medical payment arrangements
  • Medical cost containment/expense recovery and overseas investigation
  • Medical bill audits
  • Shipment of medical records
  • Medical equipment rental/replacement

This benefit typically costs hundreds of dollars when purchased separately, but it is included for WeSalute+ members with Travel Protection for a little over $3 a month. That's a pretty good deal, if we do say so ourselves!

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From Our Member Community

Scott Higgins

Discounts & Benefits

Scott’s View: Celebrating Our New Partnership with Carnival Cruise Line: A True Tribute to Military & Veteran Families

At WeSalute, we are deeply honored to announce our exciting new partnership with Carnival Cruise Line. As shared by Christine Duffy, President of Carnival Cruise Line, in an exclusive interview today, Carnival's commitment to honoring military families is ingrained in the company's DNA. This dedication starts at the very top—with Carnival itself being led by an executive who represents a proud military family.

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Do you and your family vacation without travel insurance?

Sign up for WeSalute+ today and you’ll be eligible for Travel Protection.

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Did you know that your immediate family members are eligible for WeSalute+ savings?

With WeSalute+, you can add family members to your primary plan at 50% OFF every year.

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